Alhamdulillah we had a successful thalassemia awareness & interactive session in Vehari Punjab on 4th December 2018. It was attended by general public, media people, civil society, patients & their parents. Our team traveled for 19 hours to reach Vehari. There are more than 400 patients in Vehari, living with low hemoglobin like 4-5 gram, 5000 ferritin, there is a District Headquarter Hospital but they transfuse whole blood to all the patients, they don’t have any proper doctor for guidance, proper blood banking system and machines to make components. Those who can afford, they travel to Multan / Bahawalpur for better treatment. Those who can’t afford have no other option but to take whole blood transfusions and nothing for iron chelation and they hardly live up to 14-15 years old.
We are thankful to Shafique Sahb, Fareed Wasli, Mahfooz Hashmi, all the donors, supporters, press, media, lawyers community, patients & parents for making it a successful event & acknowledging FAiTh efforts.
Special thanks to Shafique Sahb, Vehari Cooridinator Fareed Bhai & Mahfooz Bhai for taking lead & initiating FAiTh office from Vehari for the thalassemia awareness & thalassemics betterment.